Introduction to Ember.js

A framework for creating ambitious web applications

Who Am I?

What is Ember.js and Where did it come from?

SproutCore → SproutCore 2 → Amber → Ember.js

According to the Ember.js website, Ember is "A framework for creating ambitious web applications"

Embers Goals

  • Write dramatically less code
  • Don't waste time on trivial decisions
  • Develop faster with its friendly API's

Ember.js Recent Popularity

The API has been going through a lot of fluctuations and with the release of version 1 approaching, things have become more stable. I also believe this has translated to some book deals and a peepcode video.

I also noticed that the announcement of Discource by Jeff Atwood and the fact that it was using ember.js seemed like a big deal.

The parts of Ember

Tracking State in your app. Matching URL's to Controllers.
Action Handling, Proxy object for Model
Access to your application data, retrieval, storage
Handles user input
Layout of HTML
Ember Data
Adaptors, Transforms - Loading data!


                App = Ember.Application.create({});


                App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
                    redirect: function () {


                App = Ember.Application.create({});


                App.ShelvesController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
                    content: [],
                    needs: ["shelf"],
                    addBook: function (book) {
                        console.log("Adding a Book!");
                        var shelf = this.get("controllers.shelf").get('model'), books = shelf.get('books');


                App.Shelf = DS.Model.extend({
                    books: DS.hasMany('App.Book'),
                    category: DS.attr('string')


                App = Ember.Application.create({});


                App.ShelfView = Ember.View.extend({
                    layoutName: 'shelfListLayout',
                    templateName: 'shelf'


Ember Data

                App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
                    revision: 11,
                    adapter: 'DS.FixtureAdapter'

Getting Started

Ember has a couple of dependencies: jQuery and Handlebars

A couple of quick ways to get started include:

        cd ~/projects/books
        ember create ember-books
        ember-generate --scaffold book title:string author:string published:number
        ember build
        open ember-books/index.html

To the Code!

Example App(s) provided in Github

  • Branches step1-4: Build up of basic ember pieces

  • master: Final app putting those pieces together into a more appropriate example of using ember.js


Helpful Links

Current and Upcoming Books and Videos

  1. EmberJs in Action (Manning)
    by Joachim Haagen Skeie
  2. Master Space and Time with JavaScript Book 4: Ember
    by Noel Rappin
  3. Instant Ember.js Application Development How-to
    by Marc Bodmer
  4. Fire Up Ember.js (peepcode screencast)